
Noticing With Cardboard and Engaging the Artistry Within

Today we shared our curiosities around cardboard – questions we’ve considered and continue to think about.

We are curious about…

How do we construct and deconstruct knowledge with cardboard? What are we learning? What are the children learning?

How can we engage or connect the research with the community?

What happens when we stop verbal communication in the classroom? What drew us to the silence?

Is the cardboard still valuable to us when it is falling apart, broken, tattered? What do we shy away from the “less strong” cardboard?

How do we connect our experiences with cardboard to the forest or vice versa?

We are noticing…

We are paying more attention to cardboard. We are curious about where it goes and what we can do with it. Also, how the card board responds and how we respond to it. We are thinking deeper, not just about how it can be explored. At times, we feel the “artists in us” is coming out